Detection and Classification of Canned Packaging Defects Using Convolutional Neural Network Deteksi dan Klasifikasi Cacat Kemasan Kaleng Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network

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Rindi Kusumawardani
Putu Dana Karningsih


Packaging is one of the important aspects of a product’s identity. The good and adorable packaging can increase product competitiveness because it gives a perception to the customers of good quality products. Therefore, a good packaging display is necessary so that packaging quality inspection is very important. Automated defect detection can help to reduce human error in the inspection process. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is an approach that can be used to detect and classify a packaging condition. This paper presents an experiment that compares 5 network models, i.e. ShuffleNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet18, ResNet50, and Resnet101, each network given the same parameters. The dataset is an image of cans packaging which is divided into 3 classifications, No Defect, Minor Defect, and Major Defect. The experimental result shows that network architecture models of ResNet50 and ResNet101 provided the best result for cans defect classification than the other network models, with 95,56% for testing accuracy. The five models have the testing accuracy above 90%, so it can be concluded that all network models are ideal for detecting the packaging defect and defect classification for the cans product.

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How to Cite
Kusumawardani, R., & Karningsih, P. D. (2021). Detection and Classification of Canned Packaging Defects Using Convolutional Neural Network. PROZIMA (Productivity, Optimization and Manufacturing System Engineering), 4(1), 1-11.


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